Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Blogs for Borders

From: Jim W.
Sent: March 23, 2012
To: undisclosed recipients
Subject: Fw: Blogs for Borders
Appeals Court: Illegals in Alabama Can Not Be Blocked From Getting Driver’s Licenses
Posted: 12 Mar 2012 10:31 PM PDT
What! A person can break the law by entering the U.S. illegally and then not being a legal resident in Alabama, the legal residents of Alabama are expected to allow the illegal person to obtain an Alabama driver's license! To do what? Commit more crimes, consume more taxpayer's services, potentially have a wreck and kill a legal citizen, potentially a child, and / or destroy a legal person's personal property. And while the illegal is getting their driver's license, maybe then should be allowed the opportunity to register to vote then to later vote illegally. Vote for who - Barack Obama? And this is just the tip of the iceberg on the problems. What about car insurance; who is going to pay for, etc. etc. etc.

Alabama has the sovereign right to establish the requirements for a driver license in their state. And why are the Feds using the term Hispanic? What about illegal Irish, German, Filipino, or even a French Canadian? The Alabama law applies equally. They only want legal residents fof their state getting an Alabama driver's licenses. For the rest of us, we don't want any illegals entering the U.S.A. "What in the H --- " are President Obama and AG Eric Holder doing? The allow unsecured borders, and Holder is responsible for his staff participate in gun running schemes to Mexico. Why are they involved again in a state issue? What are their motives and or agendas?

When leaders of the United States pay more deference to illegals invading the United States than to the 10th Amendment issues or to preserving and protecting the borders of the Unites States, what would you call the situation? Ahem ... way things are these days, it reminds me of a 60's book titled "None Dare Call it Treason."
An appeals court ordered the state of Alabama on Thursday to stop enforcing additional parts of its controversial new immigration law, pending review of a federal challenge to the measure that is considered the toughest in the nation. The U.S. Court of Appeals for the 11th Circuit, based in Atlanta, issued a brief order expanding its initial injunction to include provisions that barred illegal immigrants from obtaining a driver's license and barred courts from enforcing contracts that involved illegal immigrants. The appeals court in October blocked the state from enforcing another key provision of the law that required schools to check the immigration status of children on enrollment. The provisions are blocked pending the outcome of the legal challenge by President Barack Obama's administration, which has argued that regulation of immigration should be handled by the federal government and not the states . . . . [Full Story]

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