Tuesday, June 11, 2019

DYK: About Navy SEAL Mike Day, BBC Television, Stubby the dog, Lugol's iodine, and Marital Duels

From: Roger T.
Sent: June 10, 2019
To: undisclosed recipients
Subject: Fw: DYK: About Navy SEAL Mike Day, BBC Television, Stubby the dog, Lugol's iodine, and Marital Duels


#1. In 2007, Navy SEAL Mike Day was shot 27 times by four Al Qaeda gunmen and hit by grenade shrapnel, but he killed all four of the gunmen and walked out to the extraction helicopter. He recovered and is living with his wife and daughters.

#2. The last thing on BBC Television before it was switched off on the eve of the Second World War was a Mickey Mouse show which was aired at around 12.35pm on 1st September 1939. Seven years later BBC Television returned with a repeat of the same Mickey Mouse program.

#3. That Stubby, a dog who helped the US forces in WWI, captured a German spy, and was given the rank of sergeant. His unofficial rank of sergeant outranked his owner, Corporal Robert Conroy.

#4. That few days after Chernobyl disaster, all children in Poland were given Lugol's iodine. This was one of the few cases, when Polish communist government, despite official denials of the Soviet side and against their recommendations, took action in the best interest of their own citizens.

#5. That in medieval Germany, married couples could legally settle their disputes by fighting a Marital Duel. To even the field, the man had to fight from inside a hole with one arm tied behind his back. The woman was free to move and was armed with a sack filled with rocks.

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